Benjamin Yin
Mass Mutual, the last major disability insurance carrier to offer unisex rates, will be pulling the plug on August 24th. Female physicians will be most impacted by this change, as females often pay twice as much as their male colleagues.
The unisex rate is essential for women to keep costs at a level playing field. In this video, I’ll explain the next steps they must take to maintain their unisex rate. Women who act now can be grandfathered in, providing the option to purchase additional coverage at the unisex rate.
Benjamin Yin, MBA, Co-Founder and President of Generational Financial Partners, specializes in working with physicians. To learn more about Generational Financial Partners, LLC, please visit GenerationMD.com. Ben is also a Financial Adviser offering investment advisory services through Eagle Strategies LLC, a Registered Investment Adviser. Generational Financial Partners LLC is independently owned and operated from Eagle Strategies LLC and its affiliates.