Mina Vali Zadeh and Krystal Sojourner, has won a prestigious Best of Public Service Announcement (PSA) video, Award of Excellence, from the IndieFEST Film Awards and a platinum award in Muse Creative Awards. The awards were given for the directors’ exciting stop-motion animation, Child Labour, which is produced for UNICEF. Mina Vali Zadeh, the director reported:
“The narrative for this animation involves a young child working in a clothing factory in the middle of a city. The child has been working long hours and is at a bus stop waiting to get home. Eventually, a school bus comes to save the child from the destructive work environment. The bus symbolizes a hopeful future for the child. A future that involves an education.”
The IndieFEST Film Awards recognizes film, television, videography and new media professionals who demonstrate exceptional achievement in craft and creativity, and those who produce standout entertainment or contribute to profound social change. Entries are judged by highly qualified professionals in the film and television industry. Muse Creative Awards is also an international competition for creative professionals who possess the unique ability to inspire with a concept, idea or design
Child Labour project was also screened internationally at festivals such as International Time-lapse and Stop Motion Festival (Spain), American Advertising Addy Awards (USA), Depth of filed International Film Festival (USA), and International Children Rights Film Festival(Turkey)."
For more information call Mina Vali Zadeh
Cell:404 538 0958
To watch the work:
Links to wins: