Georgia STEM Day will be held May 5, 2017
TAG Education Collaborative (TAG-Ed), the Technology Association of Georgia’s charitable organization dedicated to preparing the next-generation workforce, is proud to announce that already over 400,000 students, educators, and professionals are participating in a statewide celebration of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education on May 5, 2017, and registration continues to grow.
Governor Deal has signed a proclamation recognizing May 5th as Georgia STEM Day. In order to continue fostering growth and support for the program, TAG-Ed is collaborating on programs with Georgia education institutions, associations, and STEM-based companies. This year, Georgia Aquarium, Zoo Atlanta, Novelis, Chehaw, The Jekyll Island Sea Turtle Center and more are all hosting exciting student centered STEM events and activities in celebration of Georgia STEM Day.
STEM Day is a statewide opportunity for schools, students, teachers, and companies to raise awareness by celebrating and engaging in innovative, hands-on activities involving STEM. Georgia STEM Day helps students make the critical connection between the classroom and future career opportunities.
“We must do everything we can to help fill the increasing number of STEM-related jobs in Georgia,” said Larry Williams, President of Technology Association of Georgia. “TAG-Ed and our community partners are thrilled to see the ongoing support and engagement STEM Day is having in its fourth year. It’s inspiring to see valuable partnerships being formed between schools and STEM related businesses as a result of this initiative.”
For more information or to register, please visit TAG-E’s STEM Day landing page. To watch the. Be sure to share your own STEM Day celebration on social media by using #GASTEMDay.
About TAG Education Collaborative
TAG Education Collaborative is dedicated to developing science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) initiatives in Georgia. Through partnerships with statewide STEM programs, government organizations, and local businesses, TAG-Ed fosters student interest in STEM in order to increase awareness of technology careers. TAG-Ed hosts the Exploring STEM Careers Pipeline Program, an initiative for underrepresented metro Atlanta youth, an internship program for high school students, Georgia STEM Day, two team challenges for students interested in web design, and The Vine Event and The Horizon Awards, annual fundraisers benefiting STEM education. For additional information, visit TAG Education Collaborative.
About The Technology Association of Georgia (TAG)
TAG is the leading technology industry association in the state, serving more than 35,000 members through regional chapters in Metro Atlanta, Athens, Augusta, Columbus, Macon/Middle Georgia, and Savannah. TAG’s mission is to educate, promote, and unite Georgia’s technology community to foster an innovative and connected marketplace that stimulates and enhances a tech-based economy.
The association provides networking and educational programs; celebrates Georgia’s technology leaders and companies; and advocates for legislative action that enhances the state’s economic climate for technology. TAG hosts over 200 events each year and serves as an umbrella organization for 33 professional societies. Additionally, the TAG Education Collaborative (TAG’s charitable arm) focuses on helping science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education initiatives thrive.
For more information visit the TAG website at or TAG’s community website at